The dental community has for a long time been fascinated by the thought of growing a third set of teeth. This has increased research interest in the processes of embryonal development of teeth for experimental copying. However, research of this kind cannot be performed on humans for medical and ethical reasons. The researchers have used animals such as mice, rats, minipigs, dogs etc., sometimes in combination with in vitro cultivation of cell populations containing stem cells. With stem cells from different locations, pulp tissue and periodontal tissues such as cement and fibers have been developed. In mice, whole tooth germs could be grown after transplanting the relevant cells to an empty socket. On the basis of the research reports cited here it is difficult to see that the possibilities of developing new human teeth are better than before the stem cell revolution, although there might be a clinical gain in the techniques for regeneration of pulpal and periodontal tissues.
Drømmen om nye tenner
Jacobsen N, Khan Q, Hensten A.
Nor Tannlegeforen Tid. 2021; 131: 270–4