Objectives: To assess long-term survival of pulpotomized primary molars and factors related to the survival of the teeth.
Materials and methods: This retrospective longitudinal study was based on electronic dental health records of children who attended public health service. Eligible children were <12 years and had a pulpotomy procedure code in their dental treatment history. Data were obtained in the period between 2002 and 2016. Chi-squared test, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used to assess for statistical differences. Kaplan–Meier analyses were performed to create survival estimates, and the log-rank
test was performed to compare differences in survival distributions. A multivariate Cox regression was conducted, and hazard ratios were calculated to estimate the hazard rate for failure.
Results: Of interventions, 40% were registered in children 3–6 years of age; 56% were boys. Mean estimated survival of such molars was 82 months (SEM = 0.6) and differed by dental operator’s work setting and choice of restorative materials used after pulpotomy intervention. Using a stainless steel crown (SSC) to restore pulp-intervened primary molars had the strongest effect on survival (111 months with SEM = 1.8), followed by if the intervention was performed by a specialist or specializing dentist in paediatric dentistry (99 months with SEM = 2.6).
Conclusions: The estimated survival time of pulpotomized primary molars is affected by dental operator-related factors, which should be considered in management of extensively carious primary molars of paediatric patients, both at the clinical and organizational decision-making levels. An increased focus on the use of SSC is recommended to be in the learning objectives of dental education programs.
Survival of primary molars with pulpotomy interventions: public oral health practice-based study in Helsinki
Tseveenjav B, Furuholm J, Mulic A, Valen H, Maisala T, Turunen S, Varsio S, Auero M, Tjäderhane L
Acta Odontol Scand. 2021 Jun 4;1-6. doi: 10.1080/00016357.2021.1928747