Laser is employed for a variety of tooth and oral treatments. Numbers from a national registry indicate that its use has doubled during the latest five years. This increase has occurred despite, in many instances, the lack of evidence of superior treatment outcome relative to conventional or other new treatments. It is anticipated that more clinical, high-quality investigations will reveal which laser treatments are scientifically sound. This chapter includes a brief review of laser technology, technical data, tissue effects and interactions and factors influencing penetration depth. Literature examples compare laser and conventional treatment. These conclude that the advantage of laser treatment seem to be less post-operative pain, and that the instrument is preferred by patients. The topic of laser safety is dealt with in detail because many dental lasers have the potential to cause injury. As in general phototherapy, the medical use of laser must be optimized and justified. Laser operators must adhere to safety requirements and regulations. Injuries on vulnerable organs, such as the eye, skin, pulp, and respiratory tract are described. An overview is given of the health professions which are entitled to use the strongest lasers in medical/dental treatments in the Nordic countries.
Trygg bruk av laser i tannpleien
Ellen M Bruzell og Lill Tove N Nilsen
In: Holmstrup P (ed.), Odontologi 2014 – Aktuel Nordisk Odontologi, København Munksgaard, 2014; 167-82