The function and durability of Implant based rehabilitation of the dentition has proved to be comparable to traditional prosthodontics. However, loss of implants do take place from time to time as the result of inadequate osseointegration or as the result of peri-implantitis. In addition to methodological and materials related subjects research in this field has focused on the potential influence of general diseases and other patient related factors for the failure of implants. Several studies have considered the impact of diabetes, osteoporosis, Sjögrens syndrome, rhevmatoid arthritis, periodontitis and other diseases together with patient related factors such as age, genetics and smoking. The investigations comprise many aspects of clinical research from single case reports to large retrospective investigations on the success and failure of implants after short or long time, sometimes with differing conclusions. Systematic reviews of such studies with distinct conditions for scientific quality have argued that general diseases are no contraindication for implant treatment. However, the level of scientific evidence is characterized as low and the clinical evaluation criteria for implant failure are not always coordinated. All researchers agree that smoking and periodontitis are risk factors, whereas the effect of diseases such as osteoporosis, diabetes and Sjögren are unclarified or depending on the quality of disease control.
Pasientrelaterte faktorer ved dentale implantater
Jacobsen N
Nor Tannlegeforen Tid 2019; 129: 684—91