A new research group is established at NIOM, focusing on clinical research. The group consists of four scientists, Simen E. Kopperud, HÃ¥kon Valen, Rune Becher and Jon E. Dahl, with a broad and diverse scientific background. They have extensive knowledge from toxicology, dental materials, epidemiology, environmental science and microbiology. This experience and knowledge is giving an initiative and opportunity for inter-disciplinary research.

The major aim of the group is to have a focus on clinical, practice-based research, spanning from how dentists are using the dental curing lamps to investigating how new dental restorative materials can be made to prevent biofilm formation. We are collaborating with five newly established Specialist Oral Health Centres in Norway, which are conducting practice-based clinical research, and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, the Dental Biomaterials Adverse Reaction Unit and the universities of Oslo and Bergen.

New research group at NIOMOur current research focuses on use of restorative materials in dental practice and their longevity and reasons for failure. We are also focusing on biosafety of dental materials and investigating the amount of and the toxicology of different substances used in dental materials. In addition, we are performing research on biofilm formation on dental materials and new opportunities for prevention of biofilm formation.

We are always looking for opportunities to expand our collaboration both within Norway and across national borders. This could be to compare epidemiological data across national borders and to cooperate on ongoing studies, or to initiate new projects. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to collaborate with us on dental research!

NIOM Newsletter Octobeer 2014, no 1