Greetings from NIOM’s CEO
The truly unusual year 2020 is drawing to a close. NIOM’s services have been operational throughout the year thanks to our dedicated staff. NIOM supports, and follows, the Norwegian national guidelines regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. These precautions are taken to ensure sustainable safeguards for our staff members and activities.
As the Nordic competency center for dental materials, we have continued to answer clinically related questions regarding use and selection of dental materials for the dental community. So far, 18 newsletters have been presented on our website and 23 papers published in reputed journals.
NIOM has continued to test products according to accredited methods for a number of manufacturers. We have experienced, however, that the pandemic is influencing the dentistry and the use of dental materials all over the world.
NIOM has continued to participates in international and European standardization related to dentistry and to the biological and clinical evaluation of medical devices. These are valuable meeting points between manufacturers, test laboratories and academia. This year, meetings have been arranged on digital platforms and a number of meetings have been postponed due to travelling restrictions and, more importantly, to safeguard the participants.
I wish you a Happy Holiday season, and all the best for the New Year. I sincerely hope that 2021 will be a better year for everybody.
Best wishes,
Jon E. Dahl
NIOM November and December 2020