Casting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy compared with pure Ti in an Ar-arc casting machine Denne artikkelen er over 7 år gammel, og kan inneholde utdatert informasjon. Abstract Dental prostheses of Ti are normally cast in pure Ti. Some appliances, however, require higher yield strength. Casting of Ti alloys is of interest in such cases. The objective of the present work was to study the quality of castings made of Ti-6Al-4V compared with those made of pure Ti. Casting was made into a mold kept at room temperature using a MgO-Al2O3 investment. A standardized five-unit bridge was cast, consisting of two cylindrical crowns with sharp margins and three pontics. The overall mold filling was satisfactory. The margins of the casting alloys were, however, more rugged and incomplete than those of pure Ti. The most likely reason for this difference is the increased formation of dendrites in the alloy and thus more resistance to fluid flow. Furthermore, the sprue of the alloy was also found to contain some spherical, internal pores. Such pores were rare in the pure Ti castings. The surface reactions were found to be minimal for both of the materials. Increased casting deficiencies observed in the cast bridges of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy, compared with pure Ti, were: 1) the margins of the crowns in the bridge were less complete and 2) there was a tendency to an increased internal porosity, particularly in the sprues. Reference Casting of Ti-6Al-4V alloy compared with pure Ti in an Ar-arc casting machine. Syverud M, Okabe T, Herø H Eur. J. Oral. Sci 1995 Oct; 103(5): 327-330