Dental erosive wear causes an irreversible, progressive loss of dental hard tissue that does not originate from bacteria. The prevalence of dental erosive wear among Norwegian 16-18 year olds is reported to vary between 32-64%, with most of the lesions restricted to the enamel. Many clinicians experience diagnosis, follow-up, and treatment as challenging. Anamnestic information, clinical examination, clinical photos, study models, and a grading system are all helpful tools when diagnosing erosive tooth wear. Risk factors are usually divided into external and internal, where the intake of acidic foods and beverages, and presence of gastrointestinal disturbances are considered to be the most dominant. Results from recent studies indicate that the susceptibility to erosive tooth wear differs between individuals, and that this is influenced by genetic variation. Patients at risk may need more protection than others by intense modification of risk factors and use of certain protective products.
There is no standard treatment for damages caused by erosive tooth wear, and choice of treatment strategy should be determined on individual basis with emphasis on the minimal invasive intervention.
Dentale erosjoner – forekomst, registrering, årsaker, genetikk og prinsipper for behandling.
Mulic A, Uhlen MM, Tveit AB, Stenhagen KR
Nor Tannlegeforen Tid 2019; 129: 452—64