Aerosol-generating procedures associated with oral care may involve risks for disease transmission between patients and dental staff. Article part I describes characteristics of aerosols and possible influence on health. This paper focuses on microbial aerosols and on situations and procedures that produce microbial aerosols in the dental clinic. Several forms of microbial aerosols are created in a dental clinic, and the highest aerosol-generation is by use of rotating instruments, the air-water syringe, and machine scaling. Risks of aerosol transmission of infectious diseases are described with examples of some bacterial and viral contagious diseases in the dental clinic. Dental clinic staff should be aware of possible health consequences of aerosols in the dental operatory, to prevent spreading infectious diseases. Such knowledge is essential to ensure the health of both patients and the dental clinic staff.
Aerosol i tannhelseklinikken. Del 1: Risiko for smitte.
Gussgard AM, Valen H, Olsvik Ø, Jokstad A.
Nor Tannlegeforen Tid. 2020; 130: 676–87