
NIOM – Nordic Institute of Dental Materials is a Nordic cooperative body in the oral health field organized as a Norwegian State stock company. NIOM’s purpose is to ensure that the dental materials and products, used in dental care in the Nordic countries, meet the health and technical requirements which are in place regarding development in the area. NIOM is funded mainly by Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) and Norwegian health authorities. NCM and NIOM have an agreement about the work to be undertaken within NCM funding. This includes dissemination of information, research on biomaterial, and the visiting scientist program. It was realized early on that joint international requirements for material quality were essential for patient safety. NIOM therefore has an extensive involvement in international and European standardization to ensure good and relevant requirements for quality of materials. Increased patient safety is the goal for the research at NIOM. NIOM has research in toxicology, microbiology and materials properties in addition to clinical projects.


NIOM — 45 år for nordisk tandsundhed
Dahl JE
Tandlægebladet 2016; 11: 978-982

NIOM – 45 år for nordisk tannhelse
Dahl JE
Nor Tannlegeforen Tid, 2016; 116: 8442-6