NIOM has the pleasure of inviting you to a seminar to introduce our new programme NIOM TESTED. The NIOM TESTED programme is a system of quality evaluation of dental products that will give your product the advantage necessary to increase sales.

Invitation to the NIOM TESTED seminar 4 September 2014In our experience, the CE marking of dental products is basically a trade approval, and does not demonstrate the quality of an individual material. The NIOM TESTED verification will ensure your customers that your product holds the highest standards.

NIOM’s accreditation status and long experience in third party evaluation will provide you with a reliability that your customers can trust. The programme currently covers eight product categories, but we are working to extend this. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss the testing of your products.

The seminar will take place at Arlanda airport, Stockholm, Sweden on 4 September 2014, with the following programme:

12:30–13:00 – Coffee and registration
13:00–15:00 – Presentation of the NIOM TESTED programme
15:00–17:00 – Refreshments and mingling

The seminar will be led by Jon E. Dahl, Managing Director, and myself.
Please send your enrollment to by 28 August.

We look forward to seeing you at Arlanda!

Best regards,
Hilde Molvig Kopperud
Head of Laboratory


NIOM NewsletterAugust 2014